Salvador Dalí Artwork Details
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Note: The press cutting, on blue paper reads : “Coupra ? Coupra Pas? Le suspense est grand en Espagne ou en commence a prendre des Paris concenant les celebres “antennes du fal” eau peintre surrealise. Edpuis que Salvador Dali a annonce so intention de couper ses moustahces la “cereminoe```````````````````````’ de “l’execution” a ete remise plusieurs fois. INTERPRESS - Photo Montre: Salvador Dali reflechit une dernier fois avant se se separer de ses celebres “antennes” - Paris 14/10/1964”
The question as to whether Dali would cut his famous moustache was one which occurred time and time magain throughout his career.
Note on Photographer: Paul Popper a Czech-born magazine writer and editor, emigrated to London and, building on his professional relationship with many European photographers and his own wide-ranging journalistic talents, established both a photo and literary agency and began to amass a photographic collection which has endured - and flourished - for nearly three-quarters of a century. He wrote features and took photos himself whilst his wife Erica sold them up and down Fleet Street. The couple’s love of all things English had several unique consequences: they changed their name to Bentley, their favourite British motorcar, and they put their stamp on the library’s content with the acquisition of the Exclusive News Agency, landmark World War II colour images, photographs of English fashion, transport & entertainment from the first half of the century plus a vast number of pictures of British royalty.
With Paul Popper’s death in 1969, the company was sold and had several owners over the next two decades. The photo is by Popper but there is, in fact, no stamp top prove this.
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