Pablo Picasso Artwork Details


Detailed Description

Reference: Alan Ramie “Picasso: Catalogue of the edited ceramic works 1947/1971 (Catalogue Raisonee) reference number 540, Bloch 182 Size: 105 x 165 mms Note: In a 6 month period in 1968 the artist created 347 etchings - sometimes doing several in the course of a single day. All are dated, signed and numbered. This was a great feat for a man of his age! At the same time Picaso continued to work at Madoura making ceramics. Many of the etchings depict scenes from “La Celestine” which was a 15th century Spanish Classic work and this is one of the few ceramic works which also dwells on this famous production. “La Celestine” was a dramatised novel in 21 acts, attributed to Fernando de Rojas who published it in Burgos in 1499. The plot is a simple one: Calisto is in love with Melebea who spurns him. His butler, Sempronio, suggests he pays an elderly lady called Celestina to act as a go-between and matchmaker. Celestine is a very devious person who does contrive to approach Melebea and create a relationship between the two lovers. Sempronio, however, wants a share of the bribe money and in a quarrel with Celestina, kills her. Calisto falls from a ladder and dies - finally Melebea throws herself from a tower in her fathers house. The grief stricken parent is left alone then to bewail his sadness and misfortune. Picasso was fascinated by the story and when commissioned to create a series of etchings for it worked round the clock to complete them. The finished group of “La Celestine” etchings consisted of 66 pieces. The La Celestine works were a large and important section from the 347 series. In our ceramic work we can see the Calisto and his groom, Melebea and La Celestine”. It is a scene extremely similar to what you will find in the etched 347 series. Manufactured by: Madoura Potteries, Vallauris, France Edition: 263/500 (Numbered verso) Condition: In good condition.

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