Established French fashion and art photographer, since 1990, Jeff Manzetti has been a prominent photographer for the most prestigious international press, photographing the world?s star system.
Prominent icons of cinema, music and fashion abandon themselves in total confidence to this magician of image, assured he will inevitably extract the secret essences of the light, which defines each of them.
It is precisely whilst amplifying this research to master the phenomena of light, that Jeff felt the irresistible need to explore and emphasize the intricate relationships exchanged with his subjects, during a photo session.
This exploration is exaggerated to a point which he defines as «l?espace RVB» (the RGB space) of his subject, being, as he explains, a dimension of the inner person, representing all that exists in the universe, but which is not perceivable matter, beyond and above that which our senses can identify or define.
It is no longer the artist?s visible recognition that reacts to an image but a purely perceptive identity that has now evolved.
Jeff?s approach unveils astonishing portraits, referred to by the artist as « vibrations" He reveals, through this analysis, the energetic light code of his subjects, very often icons of social success, so as to no longer reproduce a familiar commercial image, but to render visible the dimension of light that dwells within each individual.
As an intimate and privileged witness to this aspect of society, Jeff Manzetti traces the footsteps of Andy Warhol, provoking and defying the representative codes of a star system, expressing in these aesthetic portraits, a totally new impression of modernity.