Famous Artists

Our Directory includes information on some of the best-known and most important modern and contemporary artists. Click on the Name to view an artist biography, anecdotes, and suggested artworks, books and posters (as available). RELATED BOOKS. RELATED POSTERS.
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Aalto, Alvar  – 
Aaltonen, Waino  – 
Abad, Antoni  – Artista Multimedia, uno de los pioneros en aprovechar tanto los nuevos medios como su impacto mediático.
Abad, Francesc  – Artista cuya obra transita por el arte conceptual y las prácticas próximas a tendencias como el body art y el land art
Abakanowicz, Magdalena  – 
Abbey, Edwin Austin  – 
Abelló, Joan  – Destacado artista catalán bebedor de las principales tendencias artísticas de inicios del S.XX
Accardi, Carla  – 
Acconci, Vitto  – American artist and recognized as one of the leading exponents of Body Art.
Ackermann, Max  – 
Adami, Valerio  – Italian painter and printmaker, a world renowned exponent of Pop art and one of the few continental artists to receive critical acclaim in this genre of contemporary art.
Adams, Dennis  – American artist, best known for his photographic installations.
Adams, Robert  – 
Adler, Jankel  – 
Adrian-Nilsson, Gosta  – 
Agam, Yaacov  – Israeli sculptor and experimental artist, best known for his role in the development of KINETIC ART movement.
Agar, Eileen  – 
Aguilar, Sergi  – Uno de los principales escultores españoles de las últimas generaciones.
Agut, Pep  – Destacado artista, representante de las últimas tendencias artísticas.
Ahtila, Eija-Liisa  – Video Artist
Aitchison, Caigie  – 
Aizenberg, Roberto  – 
Aláez, Ana Laura  – Artista plástica multi-disciplinar de gran proyección internacional
Albers, Josef  – German-born American painter, designer, and teacher, who was trained at the Royal Art School, Berlin, School of Arts and Crafts, Essen, the Munich Academy and the Bauhaus at Weimar.
Albright, Ivan Le Lorraine  – 
Alechinsky, Pierre  – Belgian painter and printmaker, most well known for his role in the Cobra group and vigorous Abstract Expressionist style.
Alfaro, Andreu  – Escultor de prestigio internacional
Altman, Natan  – 
Alvargonzález, Chema  – De marcado carácter conceptual, trabaja diferentes disciplinas, destacando en la fotografía, las instalaciones y la escultura
Aman-Jean, Edmond  – 
Amaral, Tarsila do  – This Brazilian painter and sculptor is widely regarded as one of the major figures in the modern Brazilian art.
Amat, Frederic  – Pintor, grabador, escenógrafo y cineasta
Amer, Ghada  – 
Amiet, Cuno  – 
Anderson, Laurie  – American performance artist, musician and poet, well known for her role in unusual performance.
Andre, Carl  – An American sculptor who is recognized as one of the leading exponents of Minimal art. An alumni of Phillips Academy in Andover, Massachusetts, he creates geometric sculptures using commercial products, like bricks...
Andrews, Benny  – 
Anglada Camarasa, Hermenegildo  – Uno de los grandes pintores del primer arte novocentista español
Annigoni, Pietro  – Italian painter, widely credited to be the most famous portraitist of the 20th century.
Anrep, Boris  – 
Anshutz, Thomas Pollock  – 
Anson, Martí  – Martí Anson proviene de la tradición conceptual y uno de sus intereses es la percepción.
Antes, Horst  – 
Antunez, Nemesio  – Chilean painter and printmaker who also served as the director of the Contemporary Art Museum of Chile and the Museum of Fine Arts in Santiago.
Anuszkiewicz, Richard  – 
Appel, Karel  – Dutch painter, sculptor and ceramicist, is probably the most recognized artist from the Netherlands, in the second half of the 20th century.
Archipenko, Alexander  – Ukraine-born American sculptor, active primarily in Paris and recognized as one of the best known CUBIST sculptors.
Ardizzone, Edward  – 
Arikha, Avigdor  – 
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