Pablo Picasso Artwork Details


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References Brigitte Baer (Picasso Peintre-Graveur - Volume 1: Catalogue Raisonee de L’Oeuvre Grave et Lithographie et des Monotypes 1899 - 1931 - Volume 1) Reference Ba 152 Georges Bloch (Catalogue de l’oeuvre grave et lithographe 1904 - 1967) - Volume 1 Reference : 108 Cramer (Patrick Cramer “Pablo Picasso: The Illustrated Books, Geneva 1983) - Reference 19 Note 1: On the Editioning:: This is a very complex series and there were several editions struck from the uncancelled plate without remorques. The plates were later cancelled, in 1931, remorques added and an edition of 100 made from which this comes.

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