Pablo Picasso Artwork Details


Detailed Description

Vintage Photo, 30/1/1961, with Stamp verso: Interpress, 142 Rue Montmaartre, Paris 2. A label (slightly indestinct) reads as follows: “Une corrida qui coute cher a Vallauris: “picasso - cela vaut bien un million” Corrida avec mise a mort. Melgre l’interdiction prefectoriale - hier a Vallauris, course apotheose des fetes organises a l’ocassion du 80e anniversaire de Pablo Picasso le celebre peintre y assistait en compagnie de son epouse en prit un plaisir evident a suivre les evolutions dans l’arene improvse de son ami, le famaux toreador ..... Luis Dominguin. Mais cette mise a mort coutera cher a la Municipalite de Vallauris. Il est a prevoir que les organisateurs de la corrida auront a payer l’amene prevue par la Loi Grammont et qui s’elevera a plus d’un million. INTERPRESS - PHOT Montre: M. et Mde Picasso assistant hier a la corria de Vllauris. Paris 30 10.1961. Note: This interesting photograph show Jacqueline and Picasso sitting watching the Corrida at Vallauris. Behind them sits Paloma, then a young girl with very piercing eyes. Evidently the 80th birthday of Picasso was celebrated by a fight to the death of the bull by Picasso. friend the torreador Dominguin. However such events had just been made illegal and a fine in excess of 1 million Francs would have to be paid - an expensive outing!

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