Santiago, Chile, 1946
Established Chilean artist Jorge Salas Ampuero works in an expressionist style.
He graduated with a degree in urban architecture and has worked as art director for various public relations agencies. He has also collaborated with Italian magazines such as l'Expresso, Plasman and Popster as an illustrator. He has lived in Madrid since 1978, where he works as an illustrator and designer for different public relations agencies and editorial houses. At the same time Ampuero continues developing his painting.
Due to his love of the cinema and comics (a field in which he has also worked), this painter has developed a style in which his figures acquire definite expressionist influences.
SELECTED EXHIBITIONS - - Chile in Spain. Madrid, Spain. - La memoria herida. Exhibition throughout Spain and South America . - Neruda, imagen de un centenario. Museo de America, Madrid, Spain. - Pintores chilenos contemporaneos. Museo de America, Madrid, Spain. - Pintores chilenos contemporaneos. Fundacion telefonica. Santiago, Chile.
WORK IN MUSEUMS & COLLECTIONS: - Le Populier. Amsterdam, Holland. - Universidad de San Jose. San Jose, Costa Rica - Museo de Arte Moderno, Chile