Madrid, 1960 -
Spanish sculptor, Ignacio Asenjo is a well-established artist, whose sculptures often depict dynamic animals, a difficult depiction in a static multi-dimensional art form.
Trained at the most prestigious Spanish university, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, he currently works as a Professor at both Universidad Complutense de Madrid and the School of Arts, Madrid.
He has received several AWARDS and HONORABLE MENTIONS, including:
1984 - SCULPTURE AWARD. Caja de Ahorros y Monte de Piedad de Segovia (SPAIN).
1989 - HONORABLE MENTION. VI th National Sculpture Competition, Madrid.
His art can also be found in the PERMANENT COLLECTIONS of the following institutions: - Palacio "Obispo Vellosillo" Museum. Ayllon, Segovia, Spain. - Fine Arts Faculty, Madrid.