Place des Arts, Paris, France

Rebus by Man Ray

Man Ray Biography

1890 - 1976

American painter, photographer, printmaker, sculptor and filmmaker, multi- talented Man Ray is best known for his RAYOGRAPHS - photographs created without a camera, by placing objects on photographic paper and exposing it to sunlight.

Born as EMMANUEL RADINSKI, he changed his name to Man Ray, after persistent harassment about his foreign-sounding name.

This legendary artist was a close friend of Marcel DUCHAMP and one of the leading exponents of the DADA movement and SURREALISM, in the U.S.

SELECTED MUSEUMS AND COLLECTIONS - Fine Arts Museum of San Francisco - Guggenheim Museum, New York - Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York - J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles - Museum of Fine Arts, Houston - Museum of Fine Arts, Boston - Museum of Modern Art, New York - National Galleries of Scotland - the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam - San Francisco Museum of Modern Art - The Phillips Collection, Washington, DC - Yale University Art Gallery - Art Institute of Chicago - Hirshhorn Museum, Washington, DC - Kunsthaus Zurich - Los Angeles County Museum - MUMOK, Vienna - Musee d'Orsay, Paris - National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC - Palazzo Forti, Verona - Philadelphia Museum of Art - Reina Sofia Museum, Madrid - Smithsonian Institue, Washington, DC - Tate Gallery, London - Whitney Museum, New York



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