Opus Art, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom

The Rape of the Daughters of Leucippus by Charlotte Bracegirdle

Charlotte Bracegirdle Biography

Charlotte Bracegirdle

‘Life is an individual experience, in which we become somebody for just a moment; to live and to enjoy our dreams, leaving inevitably a trace behind us.’

Charlotte Bracegirdle’s work is based around the subtle traces that we leave behind. When a person no longer occupies a space everything appears different, but visually nothing is altered. Everything looks, smells and feels as it was when that person was there, but the image is not the same despite evidence telling you that it is. The pictures become empty stages, deserted and uncanny – left only with hints of past activity. Although there are just the empty spaces, surreal shapes and objects floating, at a closer glance you’ll see shadows where once were people.

Charlotte Bracegirdle graduated with an MA in Fine Art from the Royal College of Art, London in 2006. She has exhibited widely in London since graduating, and has more recently been included in art fairs in Miami and New York. In 2008 Bracegirdle was a finalist in the Becks Canvas Award, and in 2009 was a runner up in the AXA Young Masters Art Prize.

Charlotte Bracegirdle lives and works in London.

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