Galeria Fernando Silió, Santander, Spain

Red by Jordi Teixidor

Jordi Teixidor Biography

Valencia, Spain, 1941

Jordi Teixidor in one of the most prestigious names in Spanish abstract art. His collaboration during the seventies with the Cuenca Group (Zobel, Rueda, Torner) in the foundation of the Museum of Spanish Abstract Art set the strict artistic guidelines that Teixidor would follow for more than thirty years.

In 1979 he received a grant from the Juan March Foundation that allowed him to live in New York for several years. During this time he discovered the work of the abstract expressionists of the New York School.

Jordi Teixidor has shown his work extensively in solo and group exhibitions across Europe and the United States, in museums such as IVAM, Valencia, where he had an important retrospective exhibition in 1997, the Centro Santa Monica in Barcelona and the Solomon Guggenheim Museum in New York.

MUSEUMS AND COLLECTIONS - Museo de Arte Abstracto Español. Cuenca - The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum. New York - San Francisco Museum of Modern Art. San Francisco - University Art Museum. Berkeley - Institut Valencia d?Art Modern. IVAM. Valencia - Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia. Madrid - Patio Herreriano. Museo de Arte Contemporaneo Español. Valladolid - Centro Atlantico de Arte Moderno. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria - Fundacion Juan March. Madrid - Col.leccio Fundacio Caixa de Pensions. Barcelona - Museo de Arte Contemporaneo. Sevilla - Museo Diputacion Foral de Ã?lava. Vitoria-Gasteiz - Ayuntamiento de Valencia - Diputacion de Valencia - Palacio Marques de Campo. Valencia - Museo de Villafames. Castellon - Banco de España. Madrid - Chase Manhattan Bank. New York - Peter Stuyvesant. Amsterdam - Coleccion Argentaria. Madrid - Museu d?Art Espanyol Contemporani. Fundacion - Juan March. Palma de Mallorca - Caja Madrid - Coleccion Congreso de los Diputados. Madrid - Coleccion Diputacion de Granada - Aena. Coleccion de Arte Contemporaneo - Fundacion Bancaixa. Valencia - Colleccio Testimoni. Fundacio La Caixa. Barcelona - Fundacion Coca-Cola. Madrid - Museo Municipal. Madrid - Museo Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando. Madrid

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