Capa Esculturas, Madrid, Spain

The Stone by Jesús García Lorente

Jesús García Lorente Biography

Madrid-born Jesus Garcia Lorente is an exceptional emerging sculptor, initially trained at the School of Fine Arts, Universidad Complutense, Spain.

He has been a recipient of the Capa Foundation Award and a fellowship in sculpture from Ayllon, Segovia, Spain.

Recent exhibitions of his work have included: - 1984 Caja de Ahorros de Plasencia, Caja de Ahorros de Caceres and Municipal Museum, Santander; all in Spain. - 1986 Ralea Gallery, Madrid. - 1987 Xth 'Jornadas de Danza', Tarragona, Spain. - 1988 Casa del Reloj, Madrid. - 1991 Skyros Gallery, Ibiza.

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