Capa Esculturas, Madrid, Spain

Derivations IV by Agustín García Benito

Agustín García Benito Biography

Born in northern Spain, Agustin Garcia Benito holds his degree in fine arts from the University of Pais Vasco, Bilbao.

This young sculptor and painter is now teaching fine arts at a Fine Arts school in Oviedo, Asturias.

Amongst his exhibitions and awards received are: - 1978 Caja de Ahorros Provincial, Valladolid, Spain - 1983 Caja Laboral Popular, Bilbao. - 1983 IInd Painting and Sculpture Bienal, Institucion Gran Duque de Alba, Ã?vila. - 1983 Galeria de Arte Castilla, Valladolid. - 1984 VIIIth Blanco y Negro Award, Madrid. - 1984 Grisalla Gallery, Valladolid.

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