Andreu Alfaro Biography

Valencia, Spain 1929

A prestigious, international sculptor. The path of Andreu Alfaro since his initial beginning to the middle of the 1940's until today is of an engaged artist with his space and materials, but even more so with the concept of time. He approaches art by creating tributes to exempt personalities of past culture, signifying the interpretation of the present without renouncing the past, as well as to historical memory and tradition.

An extremely active member of the already legendary group Parpallo in the seventies, he left the group to make metallic iron works and to initiate a new stage of rigorous formal order and simplicity very much related with minimalism. However, his originality rested on the symbolic dimension of his compositions, that were frequently tributes to important writers and artists that had already vanished. The production of the seventies is marked with the achievement of the "Generatrices", an influential stage of technical industrialization that would open up exploration more in the line of kinetic art and of the concept of the movement.

His experimental work was an important turn in the eighties, when a delicate equilibrium was understood between previous experimental abstract art and figurative art. These works, made in marble and iron principally, recover the notion of mass sculpture and his unquestionable formal simplicity; these things unite to reconsider the problems not with weight, volume and texture but more of the outline of the objects and the total idea.


2006 - "Andreu Alfaro". IVAM. Institut Valencia D'Art Modern. Valencia, España.

Aritcles: - Entrevista: "Repetir la obra para venderla es una imbecilidad"

El Pais, 7 mayo 2005 - [El IVAM homenajea medio siglo de arte y compromiso de Alfaro con un gran catalogo][2]

El Pais, 23 abril 2005 - Perfiles de aluminio

Mas de Arte, 2002

[2]: homenajea/medio/siglo/arte/compromiso/Alfaro/gran/catalogo