Viviane Brickmanne Biography

Belgian Resident in Spain Liberal Arts graduate from the University of Lovain (Belgium) Professor of French language and literature Member of the Board of Directors of the Chamber of Commerce of Belgium and Luxemburg in Spain. Member of Sculpture Network Europe.

Artistic training:

Atrium, academy of drawing and painting Brita Prinz, serigraphy workshop (silk screen painting) School of ceramics, “Escuela de ceramic de la Moncloa” Studio: Madrid (Spain)

Artist's Statement

The sculptures fit into a poetic vision of the space through stylized figures and ascending lines that suggest flight, in accordance with W. Blake’s definition: flight is the world’s liberty…the bird is free air personified. The main idea of the sculptures, the Air, connects with G. Bachelard’s mention of the inexpiable nostalgia of height. They are an attempt to capture a trace of passing time caused by the wind, the rain, the earth, the human hand… The artist’s literary readings participate in the elaboration of the sculptures.